Gillette Children's offers world-class digital experience for complex care

How Epic-based Montage Health delivers better care and does so more efficiently


Annual value from revenue capture and cost savings


Reduction in no-shows


Increase in point-of-service cash collections


FTEs capacity created

Solutions Deployed
Registration and Intake, Referrals, Care Gap Closure
employed PROVIDERS
Monterey Peninsula
About Montage Health
About Notable

Study in brief

Over the past two years, Notable and Montage Health have partnered on Registration and Intake, Referrals, and Care Gap Closure. Through a detailed study, we’ve assessed the tangible benefits of this partnership.

The partnership yields Montage Health an estimated $2 million in annual gross value through revenue capture and cost savings. This result shows how an AI platform can improve financial performance and operational efficiency. Montage Health had already transitioned from analog to digital with its EHR implementation, and adding AI and automation unlocked further benefits.

No-show rates dropped by 11 percent with automated appointment reminders and the ability to confirm or cancel digitally, boosting resource utilization.

The point-of-service cash collections rate has increased by 2.8 percent. When patients complete their digital pre-registration, they can digitally pay their co-pays and prior balances before arriving at the appointment. These more user-friendly processes are essential for the organization’s financial sustainability.

The partnership also freed up the equivalent of 13 full-time employees (FTEs), allowing resource reallocation to higher priorities. This equates to a 3–6 percent improvement in operational labor efficiency across Montage Health’s ambulatory footprint of approximately 300 FTE staff.

Ultimately, using an AI platform has allowed Montage Health to grow its patient volumes without adding more staff. The collaboration between Notable and Montage Health demonstrates AI and automation's power to significantly improve healthcare delivery.

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Gillette Children's offers world-class digital experience for complex care

Gillette Children's offers world-class digital experience for complex care

Gillette Children's
Gillette Children's
Solutions Deployed

Registration & intake, Scheduling



Patients served




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In 1897, Gillette Children’s (Gillette) became the first hospital in the country for children with disabilities. Since then, they have continued to redefine what is possible for children with brain, bone, and movement conditions.

Recognizing the unique needs of their patients, the hospital decided to create a world-class digital experience. But the hospital didn’t have a large team of developers to build a digital experience or manage complex integrations. “We’re really dependent on partnerships,” said Tim Getsay, EVP of Performance and Integration. The hospital needed a partner that would accommodate the complexity of its patient population, and integrate seamlessly with Cerner—without requiring outsized IT investment from Gillette.

Gillette Children's

From a staff standpoint, it’s been a welcome change because they see the impact that it has on the family. They want to help support and provide that good experience. Our staff is vested in it, which makes a big difference for change management and training.

Tim Getsay
Tim Getsay
EVP, Performance and Integration

patient and caregiver satisfaction with Intake


patient satisfaction with Scheduling


start-to-completion rate for pre-visit registration


of appointments are self-scheduled via Notable


hours saved per week with intake

View more customer stories from Gillette Children's

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The challenge

Because Gillette offers specialty care to children with complex medical needs, coordinating care can present its own logistical complexity for families. Before partnering with Notable, the myriad of tasks required to coordinate a child’s care–from scheduling to intake–had to be conducted during business hours. These constraints compromised the family experience, especially for those working full-time jobs while caring for children with complex medical needs.

Getting to the visit presented other challenges—many children require assistive equipment and some families face transportation issues. Once the family arrived at the location, they often had to update their insurance information at the front desk with kids in tow. These added challenges during registration often led to long lines.

The solution

Gillette Children’s partnered with Notable to simplify and optimize the patient experience, starting with scheduling and intake. Now, families can select an appointment time digitally at any hour of the day without having to wait on hold—and without any staff intervention on the backend. “So much easier than calling,” wrote one parent. Families also receive an appointment reminder with a link to complete their pre-registration, which is pre-populated when possible. As a result, lines to check in for appointments have been significantly reduced. Patient satisfaction has stayed around 99% with intake and 95% with scheduling. 

After obtaining EHR access for Notable, “the Cerner integration has been very smooth,” according to Getsay. “We haven’t had to engage Cerner much at all. It’s all been direct through Gillette and Notable.” 

Ultimately, automating intake has saved Gillette 118 hours per week. On average, the front desk saves two minutes on each registration at check-in. One automated pre-procedure form alone saves RNs 700 minutes a month. This time allows staff to provide more dedicated, focused attention to the children in front of them, and enables them to provide a better experience for families.

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